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LaVonne James

The Hidden Creativity Killer You Must Crush to Become More Productive

Updated: Jul 21

The next time you’re in a creative rut, you might need to rid yourself of an often-overlooked creativity killer that robs victims of inspiration and innovation.

Nyctophobia Nyctophobia is an extreme fear of darkness. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being in the dark. Just don’t stay there. That time of uncertainty — where you can’t see your way through — is the first phase of the creative process, but it’s just one phase. It won’t last forever. I’ve never liked being in the dark, but I found myself in a creative abyss and that's when I realized that creating actually starts in the dark. We birth things: businesses, babies, ideas and designs all from the shadows of uncertainty. Even the universe was a big, dark mess before it became magnificent.

Trust the darkness Have faith in the darkness. It won’t let you down. That creative abyss is actually there for you to grow. Picture a seed that gets planted into the dark Earth. It stays underground for a while until it breaks through the ground. But it has to be in the ground, under cover of darkness, to begin the maturation process.

Perhaps the seed struggles to germinate, or is harassed by underground critters, or is in danger of drowning by a recent flood. Whatever the case, the seed has to endure while it is formed into its purpose. Similarly, for your ideas to grow into creations, first they need a covering under which to become.

During this time, you’ll be attacked by self-doubt, anxiousness, and even other people who don’t understand your developing vision, but forge ahead. You’re worth it.

The darkness is an ally See the dark as your best friend who pops up at your house and says, “let’s go,” without telling you where you’re going. If you trust your friend, you hop into the car without hesitation and expect an exciting road trip. You might not know where you’re going or how you’ll get there, but you know in the end, you’re going to have a great story to tell. If you can get through the dark phase and let the creative process take its course, it too will take you on a fantastic adventure with a jaw-dropping end.

Don’t dwell on the past Be careful during dark times to use your mental energy to construct your future, to focus on what will be and not what was. I am not suggesting that you don’t take inventory of your mistakes, but don’t let your past failures have power over you in the present.

Just because you’re in the dark doesn’t mean that you have to be dismal. It’s important to train yourself to be especially positive in the dark because this builds the character it takes to sustain your vision once it’s been propelled into the light.

Don’t be afraid of the dark It is within blinding shadow that your bestseller emerges, your successful business is founded, your designs are generated, that innovative widget is created, the notes dancing around in your head become a song and your creative genius is birthed.

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